I’ve been taking Xyrem, a popular medication for narcoleptics, since I was about 14. I had tried Ritalin previously under my doctor’s care, but it wasn’t for me. Once I was prescribed Xyrem, it was a bumpy road in the beginning battling with the initial…
Category: Sleep Hacks
Food Cravings and Narcolepsy
In a case-control study conducted by the Sleep Research Society (SRS), it was found that Narcoleptics are more prone to having eating disorders. I found this study on The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) website, and I will include a link to it at…

Need Help Getting Yourself out of Bed?
It’s summer time for me, and when I have no school to force me out of bed before 2 PM, it gets a little frustrating. I want to enjoy my mornings and not waste half the day, but no matter how hard I try I…

Quit Nodding off When You’re Reading!
You don’t need to have a neurological disorder to become the victim of boredom. Reading is hard, and reading assigned books is even worse! Of course we all want that satisfaction of getting to the last page of a book, but sitting still for too long leads…