It’s summer time for me, and when I have no school to force me out of bed before 2 PM, it gets a little frustrating. I want to enjoy my mornings and not waste half the day, but no matter how hard I try I…
Month: June 2017

Xyrem and Muscle Spasms
Every new medication will solve one problem while causing another. Especially with a medication as strong as Xyrem, your body will need a few months to get used to it before the side effects stop. The most uncomfortable side effect I had were muscle spasms….

Cataplexy and Panic Attacks
I’m the type of Narcoleptic that needs more intense emotion to experience Cataplexy (not all Narcoleptics also have Cataplexy). I don’t usually get it if I’m have a laugh attack, but when I’m distressed it’s always lurking around the corner. Nowadays, I’m in a much…

What is Cataplexy?
Cataplexy occurs when someone is experiencing some type of strong emotion; like excitement, anger, or sadness. Everybody is different, and so some people can get Cataplexy from a normal amount of emotion, or an extreme amount. Then again, you can have Narcolepsy and never experience…

Dealing with Embarrassing Sleep Attacks at School
If anyone knows me at school, they also know I sleep a lot in class. I laugh at this a lot nowadays. I try to take advantage of all the times I’ve passed out in class and make jokes out of them. In middle school, I was…

Telling Your Teachers About Your Narcolepsy
Tell your teachers what’s up. Make sure they’re informed with your condition, and if you haven’t been diagnosed by a doctor, that’s alright. In that case, let them know you’re struggling with something that could be a real medical condition. Before I got diagnosed, I…

Automatic Behavior During School
My freshman year of high school was sort of a mess. In the midst of just getting diagnosed, and wrestling for the correct medication, I had this problem that I couldn’t figure out. In my most boring classes (or just my first classes of the…

What is Narcolepsy?
This post is going to focus on the friends and families of those suffering with Narcolepsy. So, someone you know just got diagnosed – what does this mean? Let me tell you a story; There is something in your brain called hypocretin, or orexin….

Quit Nodding off When You’re Reading!
You don’t need to have a neurological disorder to become the victim of boredom. Reading is hard, and reading assigned books is even worse! Of course we all want that satisfaction of getting to the last page of a book, but sitting still for too long leads…

What to Do When Sleep Paralysis Finds You
Don’t panic. That’s my first piece of advice, just like if you’re drowning in water, don’t panic. Recognize that the paralysis and hallucinations are just sleep paralysis. In the moment, we tend to forget that. Nothing is real, and it will be over sooner if…