I’ve been taking Xyrem, a popular medication for narcoleptics, since I was about 14. I had tried Ritalin previously under my doctor’s care, but it wasn’t for me. Once I was prescribed Xyrem, it was a bumpy road in the beginning battling with the initial…
Category: Medication

Famous People with Narcolepsy
Having such an under diagnosed and seemingly rare disease can make me feel isolated or misunderstood at times. Here’s a list of some famous Narcoleptics that remind me I’m not alone: 1. Coming at number one, we have talk show host Jimmy Kimmel. He’s described…

Xyrem and Muscle Spasms
Every new medication will solve one problem while causing another. Especially with a medication as strong as Xyrem, your body will need a few months to get used to it before the side effects stop. The most uncomfortable side effect I had were muscle spasms….